Whatever Happened to Ten Shekel Shirt?

14 Sep

A few years back Ten Shekel Shirt appeared on the the scene with a few songs that became extremely popular in worship services then they disappeared. Well Lamont Hiebert the leader of the group dropped out. He describes the reason why here:

In order to help pioneer and develop JFCI’s (Justice For Children International) programs Lamont set his music career aside. Now, after working as a modern-day abolitionist for 4 years, Lamont has re-launched as a solo artist and is dedicating much of his career to victims of exploitation, abuse and slavery and those who work on their behalf. Lamont remains on the JFCI Board of Directors and is an integral part of the ongoing development of their advocacy, prevention and aftercare efforts. Visit www.lamontsongs.com and www.jfci.org for more info.

Click here to hear Lamont’s song called Over the Room (click media box then music and you will see it) and how it relates to children freed from slavery and then click here to see his description of the event that inspired him write it.

It is the first time that I’ve seen a song writer, who is linked to writing worship songs, intentionally using his music to help those who are the body of Christ to do something about the widow, orphaned and oppressed. I hope to see more.

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