Tag Archives: My Life

Anatomy of a Hangman Wedgie

12 Sep


I just stumbled upon this picture in a cd of mine from about three years ago. It was the day that I first heard of the hangman wedgie. Your probably wandering how someone reaches the state of this final picture. There are a few key ingredients to make this happen:

1) You need to have kids, particularly junior highers, who have no shame or comfort zone.
2) You need to have an adult volunteer, who doesn’t mind grabbing someone’s underwear.
3) You need a community of people who will donate any cash they have in their pockets to a brave volunteer ($6)
4) Both junior high student and adult volunteer step onto a pick nick bench.
5) The crowd roars in anticipation and encouragement.
6) Adult volunteer grabs students underwear, yells Geronimo, and pushes student off bench.
7) Tearing sound occurs and Kenny becomes a Junior high winter retreat legend.

P.S. Kenny would later vomit in my car on the way home leaving a stain that lasted for about four years and become a very good friend.
P.P.S. I’ll write something more serious later.

Rock’n Bowl

3 Sep

On Friday night 15 people walked into Pacific Bowl, put on some funny shoes and searched for a ball that could give them the glory of victory. But only one person walked away a winner that night in the first round. You guessed it, me! I bowled a 123 just barely edging out Tony Scirini. Not to bad for my first time bowling in two years. The bad news, I lost the second round with a total score of just 103. Tony, again came in second behind James. I don’t care what Jodie said, I didn’t have a bad attitude about losing. Here’s some action shots…
